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Showing posts from February, 2023

Assignments, and Projects, and Internships Oh My!: Creating Good Time Management Skills

With 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, time is constrained. Time is a valuable commodity, especially if you are a college student. From keeping designated dues for assignments, applying for graduate programs or on-campus jobs, and looking for internships for summer. However, if you know how to manage your time properly, you can get through those burdens.  According to time management statistics, 87% of students could get better grades if they improved their time management skills. Students reported using handwritten notes on a calendar to plan their time, but half of them indicated that they don't employ any method to keep following their notes. However, setting goals can help us to plan To-Do Lists, tackle small things first, and establish routines that can improve our time management skills.  Identify Time-Wasters and Set Goals While you are studying, it is easy to get distracted. The common distraction factors are checking social media, texting or answering phone calls, and blow